One thing plentiful at Ward & Parker Sawmill was sawdust. It floated in their summer iced drinks, served as a burial ground for the bantam hen and Sister Ellen’s doll, insulated the icehouse, and tracked through the house and into the attic.
There was also a secret purpose for sawdust. It was a weapon – arsenal for old grumpy Englishmen. Not everyone knew how to unleash the secret weapon, but Sister Ellen did. She waited for just the opportune moment to discharge the artillery.
English Grandfather
The suitable time arose after the kids’ grandfather arrived from across the big water. He called Sister Ellen “Sookie” and commanded her to “do this” or “do that”, which Sister Ellen did not take kindly to. Grandfather fell and broke his leg which made him grumpier than his usual grumpiness. He stayed in the bedroom that had the attic overhead.
When the kids’ mama went to the garden, she gave them instructions. Sister Ellen’s brother was to mind his big sister and she was not to bother their grandfather. That was a prescription for disaster and spelled T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
It was not long before Sister Ellen formulated her plan. The kids crept up the attic steps and peeked through the knothole above Grandfather’s bed. He grumbled, “What are you kids doing up there?” “Nothing.” Sister Ellen commanded her brother to stomp when he walked. Hadn’t his mother told him to mind his sister? The two made quite a racket to which Grandfather complained even louder.
General Sister Ellen and Private Buck
Now in the attic was, you guessed it, bits of sawdust that was strategically located near the knot hole along with regular dust and bits of paper. Somehow, the tiny missiles made their way through the hole and onto a red-faced British grandfather. He hollered and yelled and threatened to tell their mother. Would he do that?
They slithered down the steps and made peace. When their mother came in, they were playing calmly on the front porch. Grandfather lay content on his bed with a little smile on his face. Both opposing sides thought they won that battle, and I guess maybe they did, but the war was not over yet.