The Accident

a tale of remembrance by my dad

Now I will tell you about a boy-girl problem and a horse wreck.  A horse wreck is something that happens to people who ride horses that buck, or people who drive horses that run away. 

But first I will tell you about my sister, Ellen. One day she said, “I wish I was a boy.” That’s when Cousin Billy said, “If a girl kisses her elbow, she will turn into a boy. And if a boy kisses his elbow, he can turn into a girl.”  


I’ll bet you didn’t know that!  

Sister Ellen wanted to play a boys game and couldn’t.  That made her unhappy.

Now my sister can do lots of things.  She can touch the end of her nose with her tongue.  She can kiss her wrist and her arm just above her wrist, but she can’t kiss her elbow.
(I hope you don‘t try this.)

Our neighbor has a hired man. He calls him, Slim.   This summer, Slim got thrown off his horse.  That is bad. Then the horse fell on him.  That is worse. And then the horse rolled over on him. I hope this doesn’t happen to you. 

Now Slim has four broken ribs and a broken leg.  His left arm was broken in two places and it fell across his chin.  

He is the only person I know of who could have kissed his own elbow.  But he was lucky and didn’t.  Otherwise, he’d have had a BAD accident!.

Sister Ellen & my dad

The Magic of Christmas

Colorful packages with ribbons and bows are piled under the tree that is decorated with twinkling lights that cast their dancing glow on the ceiling and walls. Shiny Christmas ornaments and balls show the reflection of those gathered around the tree, but the greatest reflection is seen the eyes of a child. It is the magic of Christmas.

The years go by and yet memories of Christmases long ago come to mind. One such time was a Christmas Eve when a newborn baby lay under the decorated tree in Bethlehem. The baby boy, just ten days old, kicked his legs, cooed, and smiled. His gray eyes glistened as they reflected the sparkling lights. He amazed all who saw him because he was so bright and alert. His smiles were contagious, and his coos brought laughter to all those gathered. 

We were given the gift of Christmas in a baby boy that brought such great joy.

A few short years later, on another Christmas Eve in Bethlehem, a three-year-old little boy smiled as he ran around and played, anxious to see what was in the bright packages under the tree. Another child, a baby girl, had joined the family. This little girl did not lay under the tree and smile. No, she cried with colic. Her eyes did not dance with the lights. She brought a different gift.

There was another visitor that year – Mrs. Hunt. One would have thought she was handed the world when she took a fussy little girl into her arms. The two of them, a matronly Southern lady and a colicky three-month-old baby girl rocked in the rocking chair as the runners squeaked and creaked.

There were gifts for all under the tree, but I think Mrs. Hunt got the best present of all – the unconditional love of a newborn baby – the gift that was wrapped in a blanket.

Now that’s a Christmas story!

The events of these two Christmases did indeed take place in Bethlehem – Bethlehem, Georgia. One of the highlights of our time there was the live Nativity complete with sheep, shepherds, Mary & Joseph, the wise men with their gifts, and even an angel who shown brightly atop the wooden stable under the star of wonder. It was a reminder of the gift that was given those many years ago in another Bethlehem, the magic of Christmas, a baby boy wrapped in swaddling clothes. 

The Longest Hours

Shortly before Mama died, she gave me a book to read, “90 Minutes in Heaven.” She said that I after I read it, I was to pass it on the other family members. Did she somehow know that in just a few short weeks her life would be snatched away from her in an accident?

The doors of the elevator clanked open. I stepped out. There was no sign of anyone. The empty halls echoed as it mimicked and taunted each of my footsteps. At one moment I was consumed with loneliness. That was the loneliest, before and after, that I have ever been. The walls seemed to close in on me sucking out every breath. I stopped, willed myself to be brave, took a deep breath, and said, “Okay, Lord, it’s me and you.” Slowly, purposefully, I walked forward knowing exactly what stood in my path in the darkened corridor beyond. At least I didn’t have to walk alone.

At the doorway to the Trauma Unit, I pushed the buzzer. In no time at all, a nurse came out. There was no need for her to ask who I was because I had just spoken with her not three minutes earlier. She led me to a small room with the walls lined with chairs. A table in the corner had inspirational pamphlets spread on top. The nurse asked if I was okay. I looked at her and said, “I guess I have to be.” She had seen others like me, those who felt swallowed up in the shadows of death and grief. “The doctors will be here in a moment.” As she turned to leave me briefly, her eyes surveyed me. There was compassion, and just maybe I saw a tear slip down her cheek.

I sat there alone for a few minutes when the door opened. The nurse along with several of the doctors slowly stepped in. They looked as if they didn’t know what to say or who was going to speak first. I wonder, did they see a frightened little four-year-old girl sitting by herself scrunched up in a stiff straight-backed chair? That’s what I felt like. Maybe they saw a woman who had a monumental job ahead of her. I don’t know, but I stood and spoke first, “I just want you to know that I know what you are going to say, and it’s okay.” One of the doctors said, “I’m sorry but we’ve done all we can do. Are there phone calls you need to make?” They each expressed their condolences and said they would continue to give Mama oxygen until the family arrived. The door closed behind them as they left the room. A mountainous task was before me.

After the calls were made, I rang for the nurse again. She ushered me into Mama’s room. That was my time. Though Mama gave no sign that life was still within her body, I talked to her. I sat by her side, rubbed her arm and hand. It felt as if there was moving bubble wrap under her skin, the trapped air and gases moving through her body. I told her thank you for putting up with all of us kids and that I loved her. I also made promises to finish the quilts she had started for graduation presents for the rest of the grandkids, and that I would care for Daddy and not let him remarry unless I approved. Yes, one day awhile before this event, with Daddy present, she said that if something happened to her, it was okay for Daddy to remarry with one stipulation – I had to approve.

The nurse had given the approval for me to bring in family members as they arrived so everyone would get a chance to have a private moment with Mama. Having said my goodbyes, I once again took a deep breath and willed for the strength to perform the task at hand. As time progressed, the doctor said, “We can’t wait any longer.” But Gary wasn’t there yet. Just as consent was given to remove the oxygen, he came in. 

Daddy was rolled in on his hospital bed and placed by Mama’s side. He took her hand, caressed it, and declared that she squeezed his hand. Then it was over. Mama was gone. She had told me time and again that if anything happened that stole her quality of life, she didn’t want to live. If she had lived, there would have been hours, days, and years of fighting for every breath as her broken body mended, and even at that, she would not have been the same. She went as peaceful as she could. As for the rest of us? There was still a battle ahead. Daddy had lost the will to live. He felt that he had fulfilled his duty, “’Til death do us part.” Yes, those, too were the longest hours.

Among the Tombstones

I stood on the hill among tombstones that hid in the tall grass and wildflowers of the old Silver City Cemetery. Helena could be seen in the distance just to the Southeast. Though the streets of Helena were busy with the comings and goings of all kinds of folks, the little town of Silver City wasn’t much more than a name. Had events taken a turn years earlier, she would have won the right of being called the capital of Montana. But that wasn’t to be.

The cemetery was quiet except for the sounds of the mower being pushed by the kind gentleman who was trying to clear the weeds from around the gravestones and markers of those who were buried there with their memories. With my boots on, I walked around and snapped a few pictures of forgotten names and stones that had been so worn away no inscription could be read. Sunken places in the earth whispered stories of those whose remains lay all but forgotten.

As I stood there pondering the tales that would never be told, wondering about the lives of those who had come to this harsh and beautiful land, a van turned up the trail. It slowly made its way to the top hill. A young lady got out of the driver’s seat, walked around to the other side of the van, and opened the door. Out stepped an elderly slightly stooped gentleman with a cap on his head. 

He was gently led by the young lady who held his elbow in her palm, her other hand on his arm. He spoke to the man who had turned off the mower, “I just came to put a flower on her grave.” In the elderly man’s hand, he held a purple flower on a single stem.

The lady guided him through the newly chopped clumps of grass and into the weeds yet to be trimmed. “Watch out for rattlesnakes, Grandpa!” They made their way to the grave of his beloved wife. He bent down, pulled a few weeds from the front of the tombstone to reveal her name, then stooped lower to place the purple flower on her headstone. 

A warm gentle breeze blew as the yellow wildflowers danced in the magic of the moment. I brushed away a lone tear that slid down my cheek as I turned and slowly walked away.

Note: The Silver City Cemetery is now maintained and has gained a place in the National Register of Historic Places in Montana. One of my great aunts is buried there as well as Old Moss – but that’s another story. You can read some of the history of the cemetery at these web links:

A Stitch in Time

The howl of the wind sent a shiver through me just like the first time I heard coyotes’ eerie cries roll like tumbleweeds across the prairie. As the cold breeze whistled outside, I knew winter weather was on the way. 

It was time, time to pull out the heavy wool quilt. Carefully, I lifted it from its container so as not to lose any of the memories and history tucked within the folds. The quilt top was made of wool, obviously from woolen scraps of blankets and garments. Heavy batting remained intact even though a few pieces escaped before the worn backing was replaced with a new thick flannel sheet and retied with the original pink wool yarn.

The quilt began its journey 96 years ago when a stiff breeze blew across the prairie pushing a cold rain into Roundup, Montana. On that particular day, the 26th of October 1926, a young couple slid into town in a borrowed car slinging mud from their gumbo caked tires. The weather didn’t dampen their spirits. After all, it was their wedding day.

The dirty automobile pulled up in front of the pastor’s house. Reverend Ernest Fitzpatrick, a newlywed himself, welcomed the couple. The pastor performed the marriage ceremony while his wife, Nell, served as a witness to the event. 

As was common, after the couple returned home, family and friends greeted them with an unannounced chivaree. It was all in good fun, but knowing some of those who participated, I would say there was a bit of mischief, too, with a few “pay backs” specifically for the groom. Another tradition was for neighbors and family to present gifts to the newlyweds. One of those gifts was a wool quilt made by the mother of the groom.

For many years, the quilt traveled from place to place as the family moved from Montana to Idaho and back to Montana before making its way South. It became worn, with batting peeking through the rips in the backing. For a time, the tattered quilt seemed almost forgotten and was gently tucked away in a trunk. When the heirloom came to me, I decided it needed new life, so I mended it, and from then on, it has been on my bed on the cold days of winter.

The quilt lovingly made by my great grandmother was given to my grandparents as a wedding gift. No doubt their three children and grandkids slept under its warmth and comfort as well. 

When I crawl under the quilt, it is more than comfy, cozy, and warm, it is a cherished treasure. Though it has outlasted its creator and a couple of young newlyweds, it has returned full circle to the prairies of Montana. It remains part of a legacy, a stitch in time, and a testimony to those with a pioneer spirit. 

Beyond the Gate

The road to the old home place was not much more than a beaten path riddled with rocks and potholes that led into the mountains, and we managed to find every one of them. We jiggled back and forth when we forded the creek, the sound of stones crunching under the tires. 

History lived there in the trees and behind rock piles along the trail. We heard it whisper old tales as we passed by. Laughter sang through the boughs of firs and pines as images of children played outside the old schoolhouse that once stood in the woods. If one knew where to look, there might even be faint visions of children pulling on the reins of the horses that stomped their hooves and swatted flies with their tails. Kids hid behind sagebrush while one rode an imaginary horse that looked like a dried-up stump. In the distance was the sound of the shrill whine of a sawmill. Smoke rose from the chimney as a greeting to any that made it that far into the heart of the mountains.  

Though no one had lived at the place at the end of the road for some time, memories still lingered. As we pulled into the yard, we were greeted by Quaking Aspens waving their shimmering leaves in the summer light as if anxiously awaiting our arrival.

An old fence that at one time surrounded and protected the log cabin was all but gone except for a few worn pieces of wooden rails scattered on the ground. A weathered gate cheated time and stood defiantly in its place. Its rusty hinges gripped tightly to the posts that held the gate. Patches of faded green paint clung stubbornly to the brittle slats. A round piece of old machinery chained to the gate hung heavily to keep it closed and to signal the comings and goings of family and friends. Though I could have easily walked right past the gate, I opened it anyway and was not disappointed to hear the clang clang as it slammed behind me. 

I stepped onto the walkway that led to the sagging door of the cabin. As I entered the doorway, a light breeze stirred remembrances along with the dust and dirt that danced across the floor with a breath of the wind. Memories came to life. 

Thoughts and images flashed before me and soon the chill in the air dissipated. I looked around and was amazed at what I saw in my mind’s eyes. The wood cookstove was fired up and the cabin filled with warmth. On the kitchen floor was a washtub filled with hot water where a teenaged girl had just soothed her aching muscles after her trek in the mountains. At the sound of the clank and clang of the gate, weary backpackers trudged down the walkway into the house to be relieved of their burdens and greeted with the aroma of meat and potatoes cooking on the old stove. After dropping their packs and other gear, some plunked down on the long wooden bench and rubbed their aching feet. Some backed up to the crackling fire under the watchful eyes of the old deer mount that surveyed the scene with the shifting eyes of a sentry. At another glance, I saw little girls sipping hot tea out of fancy teacups with their grandmother. The slam of the gate caught my attention again as kids ran in and out of it as they played. 

I think those who went through the gate just liked to hear that resonating tone, for you see, it signified something greater than just a clanging clanking noise. It symbolized hospitality, an ever-encouraging word, family, friends, love, laughter, and tales of life in the mountains. It meant safety, and protection from the rest of the world.

All too soon, it was time to go. The gate clapped one last time as it closed behind us. With one look back at the place in the mountains that had once teemed with life, I knew that on another day, we would make that journey again.

Though the green wooden gate no longer stands in the mountains, it remains a portal to a place of serenity, a place to recharge, and a place to visit in my memories when all else in the world seems wrong. 

Shorty Brannan

a real tale by my grandfather, Bee Knapp

The Missouri is a slow river and the ice freezes real deep. My cousin liked to load a sleigh full of folks and go to the UL ranch for a couple of days to dance. He had his horses sharp ice shod. He liked to drive four horses.

In June the water would come out from Three Forks and the Little Rockies. It would cover the ice. That which got under at rapids and waterfalls made a lot of pressure and the ice would blow. Ice jams would be heard 20-25 miles away.

One of the Missouri River ‘steaders was a little Irishman named Shorty Brannan. One time he got caught by a vicious hailstorm. There was a high wind and hail the size of goose egg.  The only shelter he found was a coyote den.  Brannan crawled in headfirst as far as he could go. He saved his life, but couldn’t sit down for some time.

Shorty had a homestead on the south side of the river. He had to boat to or swim to it in the summer. In winter he could cross on the ice.

The Missouri didn’t seem to dampen his spirits or interfere with his instinct to be a gentleman.  Brannan wasn’t sloppy.  He wore a suit, a white canvas suit. He kept it neat. Shorty rode a small, tough horse named Snookums. He kept the horse neat, too.

I was working for one of the Sun Prairie ranchers. That was the bachelor named Gus Tank. He homesteaded north of the river in the Lairb Hills. My father was a fine fiddler. Gus’s mansion was small, only one room, but the neighbors were aching for a party. Two of those pretty, half-breed Reynolds girls came down and said that they were going to have a dance and I was going to be the fiddler. They moved the bed and table outdoors and made a cake. The Sun Prairie people turned out with their jugs, and they danced all night. After breakfast the next morning some of the partiers had to get back to their own homesteads.

One girl, who had a homestead, was a “Blackdutch,” dark haired, single lady. I told her I’d get someone to ride home with her. Then I got Al McNeil aside and told him that Bertha sure needed an escort. The two left on what was the first step toward the hitching post.

Some of the others at the cabin decided they needed to stay around a little longer. They wanted to show off their riding abilities. Bill was a local cowboy who had taken a shine to my sister, Leone. He rode every bronc on the place and was chosen to bust out Gus’ six year old bull.

A couple of hands snubbed the big animal to a post and put a sursingle on him. Bill climbed topside and managed to stay there. The bull sunfished across the meadow but couldn’t get rid of his rider so he headed for the pond. He stopped in the middle of it. Only the bull’s head, hump and rider stuck out of the water. Bill was spurring and waving his hat but to no avail. He had the wettest boots in the country and was hollering for a pickup rider. The bull was in a balk.

Shorty Brannan went to the rescue. He bragged that Snookums could handle any critter on the prairie. Shorty climbed aboard, white canvas suit and all, and urged his horse into the pond. He threw the rope, a perfect shot over the bull’s horns.  Brannan dallied a hitch around the saddle horn. When Snookums pulled out the slack, the bull flipped his head sideways and upset the horse. Shorty came dragging out of there, by golly. His suit was in disarray. He washed his clothes down, got on old Snookums. The last we seen of him he was riding over the hill without saying a word.

Bill sort of tarnished his record as a bull rider. He come out wet and muddy. It was just as well. Later on Leone married Charlie Sherod.

A winter or two later, Shorty Brannan was riding Snookums across the river. They fell through a blow hole on the Missouri ice and washed down the stream under the Ice.  They didn’t find them until the spring thaw.  

Old Gray Mare

by my guest author, Robert B Ward

The senior citizen at the sawmill on the Sweetgrass was named Nina Bea after the Basin Creek School teacher. Her teammate was Dolly Grey. When Dolly died back in 39, the years started catching up on Nina – seventeen, eighteen, nineteen. That’s getting old for a horse, and the last years — well if you were part of a team, you’d know. The last years were lonely. When you’d stabled with your partner on your off side for fifteen years, pulled a wagon  with her on the off side, grazed together, keeping the same formation – then things just aren’t the same. Those younger ones didn’t have the memories, weren’t teammates. 

So it was Nina went into retirement.  

In late fall when the hill pasture was dried up, and the grass was short, the gray mare, now turned white, was put in the small field with better pasture, and then in the hay meadow after the hay was taken off. She gleaned with the milk cows until snow covered the ground, then she had her own rest home in the horse barn with fresh hay every night and a can of ground oats every day. That was the way a horse should retire after long years of service. Bud Ward kept her under special care. She whickered when she saw him and strolled toward the barn door in cold weather. Twenty years plus and heading for more.  

She’d been born black. Her father was a Percheron State Champion and a ton of horseflesh. First picture of Bud Ward’s team of mares shows Dolly brown and broad, and Nina, a rich dapple gray, some two or three hands taller. The dapples faded to white, and the white was whiter. That’s the way with dapple gray work horses.

Spring came, snow melting spring, not grass growing weather. Bud let the old girl in the barn and she ate the can of ground oats, walked out of the barn where she wouldn’t cause any disturbance taking her out, lay down flat and breathed her last. That was the right way to go. Bud Ward pulled the pipe out of his mouth and turned away. He felt like he was getting old, too.

A Sacred Land

The side road between the Big Horn and Pryor Mountains abruptly came to an end. I cautiously stood on the precipice and peered into the Bighorn Canyon below thinking it could swallow me at any moment. 

Massive rugged walls of colorful layers of rock rose 1000 feet from the riverbed. Time and unrelenting forces of wind and water carved the canyon leaving stone sentinels to stand guard along the pea soup green algae water of the Bighorn River that winds through the curvy gorge. 

Not far away in this high dry country between the mountains, I walked along a trail where teepees once stood in the shadow of a rocky cliff. I looked across the valley and could almost envision the camp of teepees, fires burning, little ones playing and helping the women and men as the buffalo harvest was under way. Though the teepees no longer point toward the big sky, the stone rings that once secured them still remain, and so does their story. Wild mustangs, descendants of Spanish horses brought to the area by the Crow Indians, still make their home in the Pryor Range and stand watch over their homeland.

It is said that several hundred years ago, the Crow Chief was instructed in a vision to take his people and “find the mountain range where the sacred tobacco plant grows.” They eventually came to the Bighorn Mountains where the treasured plant continues to live. This area which includes parts of Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota, became the historical homelands of the Crow Nation. Through this journey, they became known as the Apsáalooke. 

Through an exhibit, “Apsáalooke Women and Warriors,” currently on display at the Museum of the Rockies, we were able to walk through part of their journey. It was a fascinating trail exploring their beginnings in this historical homeland and traveling with them past works of art, and into modern times ending with contemporary clothing intricately designed. My mother would have been in awe of their artistic creations and seamstress expertise. 

The exhibit began with the story of how the Crow tribe came to the area. As I read their brief account, I was amazed to find that the place upon which I had stood among the teepee rings just days before in view of the Bighorn Mountains was in the land the Apsáalooke called home. My thought was, “It is indeed a small world.”

Several miles away from the site of the teepee rings, a baby boy was born into the Crow tribe at the-cliffs-that-have-no-name in 1848. His name was Chiilaphuchissaaleesh, or “Buffalo Bull Facing The Wind.” When he was just a boy he made his way with others to the Crazy Mountains, known to the Crow tribe as Awaxawapiia. The mountains were a sacred place to them. For four days, the young boy fasted and prayed for a vision that would strengthen and guide not only himself, but also the Crow people. He was granted his desire. Later, as the boy grew to a man, he was called Plenty Coups and he became Chief of the Crow tribe.

The Crazy Mountains are still considered a sacred place for the Crow nation as well as those who have lived in the heart and shadows of the mountains. It has been a place of refuge for some, a place to relax and reflect and enjoy beauty beyond description. Many still go there for guidance and to seek a vision.  One writer put it this way: 

“The Crazy Mountains overlook so much more than a landscape. They are keepers of the stories of the past, and they could provide keys for the future. Those who live in the shadow of the Crazies know of their beauty, and others, those who’ve experienced or heard stories of their power, can feel their presence from afar.”

And so it is in a sacred land…

You Can’t Tame Babe

Snowy peaks before him
the valley now behind 
wonder all around him – 
a scene he’d rarely find

The corral now before him
 rodeo in full swing
laughter, whoops and hollers
in his ears did ring

Dust was a’flying
tails waving high,
sunlight above the saddle,
rider’s hat raised to the sky

He knew he’d never tire 
of the beauty he did behold
The wilderness called his name –
True words he had been told

You can’t tame the mountains
You can’t hold back the streams
You can’t harness the wind
or live on yesterday’s dreams

You might shoe an untamed filly,
make a bucking bronc dance,
but you can’t tame Babe,
you dare not take a chance

Amidst all the commotion,
there across the way,
he saw an untamed filly
on which his eyes did stay.

Her braids were black and shiny
Her eyes were ablaze
Her olive skin did glow –
his heart now in a daze.

Like the mighty river
his beating heart roared
Like the eagle overhead
his smitten spirit soared

Surrounded by this beauty
little did he know
that deep into the mountains
his roots now would grow

You can’t tame the mountains
You can’t hold back the streams
You can’t harness the wind
or live on yesterday’s dreams

            He shod an untamed filly
            made a bucking bronc dance
            though he didn’t tame Babe,
             he dared take that chance.