
Some of my brothers were notorious for teasing the dog. Ringo would have been a good dog, but all the pestering made him mean. Ringo bared his teeth, growled, snarled and was always ready for a fight. He was the mailman’s worst nightmare and chased anybody that went down the road or came near the house. I was hesitant to even go outside if no one was with me.

One day, one of local preachers pulled into the driveway. He chanced getting out of his car. I guess he felt he was safe when Daddy went out to talk with him. My mother peered through the kitchen window. She sneered a bit as she watched the encounter. There were some people my mother just did not like, and that preacher was one of them. She thought he was sneaky and sleazy. More often than not, my mother’s first impression was prophetic. If she thought someone was sneaky and sleazy, it was usually true.

There was a wheelbarrow on the carport that contained old cans to be taken to the dump. The preacher looked kind of like a cocky strutting rooster. He got a little too comfortable and propped his foot up on the lip of the wheelbarrow. Ringo thought the sleazy preacher crossed the line! That was his territory. He grabbed the preacher’s britches leg, with a little bit of leg in it. Ringo shook his head back and forth just as if he chewed on an old rag. It took some doing to get Ringo pulled off the preacher, but Daddy managed to get him loose and tied up – the dog, not the preacher.

That was the last straw. They were afraid the dog might attack someone else, so he was history. Daddy called the neighbor down the road and asked him to take the dog off and “get rid of him.” I didn’t ask exactly what that meant, but I knew.

I doubt my mother felt any remorse whatsoever – at least concerning the preacher. There were some people she just did not like!

Check Your Brake Bars

One of my favorite places to rappel was beside Lula Falls. Halfway down the cliff I would pull the rope to the top of the rack and sway back and forth with the mist of the falls spraying my face. The final descent was a free fall. 

It was a beautiful day to hike the switchbacks to the top of the mountain and walk the flat trail to the rappelling cliff. When we arrived, someone was already there. We either had to find another place to rappel or wait until they were finished. Then something caught my eye.

I stood motionless, except for my eyes narrowing over the grimace on my face, as I watched a grown man loop the rappelling rope under each of the brake bars of the rack. His other companions had already gone off the side of the cliff, one of which was on the trail leading to the top. Warnings flashed in my mind and the thought that formed was, “You’re going to kill yourself!” Though the Smiths were not with us, Mrs. Smith’s warning waved a red flag as it echoed in my head, “Check your brake bars.”

As I walked toward the man, it was obvious he didn’t know what he was doing. I stepped forward and said, “You’re threading the rope the wrong way. If you try to descend like that, the brake bars will all pop and you’ll fall.” He just looked at me and started telling me that was the way he was told to thread it. I told him again, “You need to loop the rope OVER the brake bars.” To him I was just a scrawny young wisp of a teenager. What would I know?

He was hesitant to believe me, but he made a loop the other way – over the bar – and studied it a minute. It was apparent he was not comfortable rigging himself and did not understand there were two ways to wind a rope – over or under. Yet, he wasn’t about the take my word for it. The encounter at least slowed him enough to keep him from making a fatal error. About that time, one of his companions came up the trail. He intervened and helped his pal get rigged properly.

There wasn’t so much as a “thank you.” I’ve wondered from time to time if he ever realized that some scrawny girl kept him from making a grave mistake.  

Check your brake bars! It could be a matter of life or death!

For those of you who don’t what rappelling is, it is jumping off the edge of a cliff with the aid of a rope (of course fastened off {we used a bowline knot}) and the proper aid – such as a set of carabiners with brake bars {that slows the rate of descent}, rope looped around carabiners to act as a brake, a rack or a figure eight. A good seat is necessary – either a purchased one that you just step into {a guy I knew once rappelled off the building and his purchased seat busted and he landed on his rear – good thing it happened at about 10 feet from the ground}, or a seat tied from seat belt material or a strip of narrower webbing designed especially for tying seats {which is what I used}. A belayer is also a necessity for safe rappelling. That is someone, usually at the bottom of the drop, who slows the speed of descent by merely pulling the rope taut. 

Fried Chicken

For some reason I do not understand, my mother thought it necessary that my sister know how to ring a chicken’s neck and prepare it for the frying pan.

The plan had been for my sister to chase the chicken around the yard like a madman, but our dog, Ringo, wanted in on the chase. Early the morning of the execution, the chicken was put in the laundry room at the far end of the carport and Ringo was tied up.

My sister looked reluctant as she stepped into the laundry room and the door closed behind her. I stood inside the kitchen door. Ringo was going crazy. He was snarling, growling, and pulling as hard as he could to get loose. I didn’t dare step outside. The noises that came from behind the closed door were horrible. It sounded like a major battle with all the squawking, banging and yelling.

She chased the poor little chicken, grabbed it by the neck and twisted as hard as she could to no avail. That just made the chicken mad and it squawked louder and flapped it shedding wings harder. The door opened and my sister slowly emerged, hot and sweaty. Her hair was all messed up and she looked like she had lost the battle. Feathers were still flying in the air as they floated to the floor. What a mess! That poor chicken almost “gave up the ghost” on its own. That poor thing had a sore neck for sure. Daddy put the bird out of its misery.

Though I never understood why Mama thought it was so important for my sister to know how to ring a chicken’s neck, by the time we ate fried chicken for supper, it didn’t seem to matter.

The Birds and the Bees

To my knowledge, my mother never told any of us girls about the facts of life or mentioned “the birds and the bees.” I wasn’t even given warning about a once-a-month visitor – well, at least from my mother – or my big sister. It’s a good thing I had big brothers!

One day my other sister, just two years older than me, asked mama, “How do babies get here?” Mama answered, “The same way little pigs do. Now go do your chores.”

I took my sister aside and told her where babies come from. She didn’t believe me. Now I know it did seem a bit far-fetched, but that’s what my brothers told me. And you know what? I think that’s the only thing they ever told me that was actually true!

I’m glad they didn’t tell Mama. She didn’t find out until her sixth baby. I guess that’s a good thing!

Secretary – with Benefits

We moved the summer of my junior year of high school. It wasn’t always easy changing schools. One just doesn’t go to a new school and break through the cliques and infiltrate friendships that are already established – but that’s another story. It really didn’t make much difference to me anyway. I only just tolerated school at best.

To me, moving was an adventure. I thought of new friends and relationships that I wouldn’t have otherwise and didn’t want to miss out on that. Just within a week or two, I was invited to the Planetarium/Science Center to rappel off the building. That certainly piqued my interest!

When I pulled up to the building, I was greeted like an old friend. That’s where I met Mr. Smith, who at that time was Coordinator for Curriculum for the county schools, as well as the founding director of the planetarium which opened in 1967, and his wife who was a school counselor. Mr. Smith and I had an immediate connection – we were both PKs. That was the beginning of a relationship that has lasted for years.

I climbed the stairs to the top of the building that was also the observatory for star gazing. I got rigged up, hooked up the carabiners to my seat, and jumped off the side of the building. Of course, someone tied my seat and showed me what to do while they explained the safety precautions. That day and every time after when we rappelled, Mrs. Smith ALWAYS said, “Check your break bars.” That’s a warning I carried with me from then on. When I left that day, I had a standing invitation to join them anytime.

The relationship forged that day grew to something greater. Not only did I gain good friends, I also gained a teacher and great mentors. And, I was offered a job. In order to take the position, I was required to take the Vocational Office Training Class offered at school. One purpose of VOT was to place students into office positions to gain work experience in that field. Though I had already acquired the office skills needed, I complied so I could become Mr. Smith’s secretary. For two years I typed, mailed correspondence from Mr. Smith to teachers in the school system, helped conduct planetarium programs, built lockers, made dolls and other props to put behind the dome for special showings, answered the phone, made reservations, and greeted school groups, among other things.

But there was a bonus. I was a secretary – with benefits.

Those benefits included hiking, backpacking, rappelling, learning proper rappelling rigging and knot tying, camping, caving, fossil hunting, good food, use of a Nikon camera, darkroom access to process black and white film and develop my own photos, alternative education for part of the school year, pine needle tea and other survival tips, learning to operate the Goto projector, watching meteor showers and comets, bonfires, field trips to unique places, mine exploring, and much more. My job also provided funds for the summer trip my sister and I took across the country, and for my very first pair of real jeans.

I’m very thankful for the kindness that was extended to me, the new kid on the block. It has been a lasting friendship with the fondest of memories and continuing education of which I am still reaping the benefits.

So, to Mr. and Mrs. Smith – kudos to you!

Note: If you are in the Northwest Georgia area, consider a trip to the
James A. Smith Planetarium.
You can also find them on facebook.

You’re Driving Your Mother Crazy

My mother loved to hear us girls sing together. We did not always oblige, but when we did, she would beam with pride – well – most of the time.

For some reason, she didn’t like allof our vocal selections, especially when we were on a road trip. We tuned up our voices and started the first verse in unison, “Ninety-nine bottles of beer on the wall, ninety-nine bottles of beer. Take one down, pass it around, ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall.”

After the first verse, the game was on! No two verses were alike, but Mama was not impressed with our skills of creating ninety-nine variations. We could switch parts mid-stream without a glitch. While one took the lead, “Ninety-eight bottles of beer on the wall…”, the other added background vocals in harmony, “Ninety-eight bottles, ninety-eight bottles, ninety-eight bottles…” And so on and so forth!

By the time we got to “Eighty-nine bottles of beer on the wall,” Mama was already tired of our performance. She voiced her objection, “Buck, will you make the girls quit singing that song?” I thought she liked to hear us sing!

After prompting Daddy several times to do something, he finally said, “You’re driving your mother crazy!”

Well, you can’t fault us for not trying.


While looking at old photos, I asked, “Daddy, who is this in the picture?”

“That’s my Father.”

“I can’t even see his face.”

“I recognize him by his hat.”

His hat was felt and sometimes had a band around it. Hats identify people. Pipes do too.

My other Granddad had two cowboy hats – a felt hat and a straw hat. Cowboys often had an everyday hat and a dress hat. They wore the dress hat on Sundays or special occasions. On that day, their face was washed, a clean shirt put on with shiny pearl snaps, clean jeans, hair combed back to reveal the tan line on their face, and their Sunday-go-meeting hat sitting neatly on their head. You can still go down to the church on Sundays and meet some of those cowboys.

Uncle Ed’s hat didn’t have a wide brim and it sat right on top of his head. Uncle Sid’s hat usually sat cockeyed on his head. Cousin George wears a cowboy hat made of felt and it droops all the way around the brim and rains sawdust on his shirt.

Some hats were neatly creased. Some hats were punched out to make the hat higher. Some had brims turned downward and some with brims turned up and curled. Some had brims straight out. Each one identified the wearer.

My mother wore lots of hats, some not visible to the eye. She wore a chef’s hat, a teacher’s hat, a hard hat, a floppy garden hat, a scarf, a fireman’s hat, a doctor’s scrub hat, a seamstress hat, a referee hat, a cleaning cap, and an artist’s hat. There were some other hats put away in her closet that she wore occasionally. On Sundays, she sometimes wore a pill box hat with netting that hung over the sides. That was her preacher’s wife hat that was held in place with bobby pins.

A Row of Russian Olives

Though the day was hot, a cool breeze blew across the open prairie taking the sting out of the sun’s rays and scattering tumbling weeds in search of a place to rest. The dirt road stretched for miles connecting the prairie to the mountains. Occasional dusty lanes appeared out of nowhere, like long fingers beckoning us to follow. Rippling fields of wheat sent flashes of green and gold glittering in the light. 

Miles of new fencing lined the road that dissected an endless sea of summer wildflowers, prickly pear and prairie grasses. The road quickly turned into a trail of ruts and jagged shale jutting from the dirt that clung stubbornly to hold the stone in place. A line of dust still lingered in the air. An antelope doe and two calves turned and ran as we got near, their white rumps disappearing in the distance. 

Over the hill, a row of Russian Olive trees planted as a windbreak years ago lined the grassy drive of the old homeplace. Remnants of the old corral and cattle chute barely stood with most of the fence in ruins. The old yellow house that defied time for so long finally succumbed and fell into a pile of rubble. A lump rose in my throat at the emotion of the moment. Another era seemed to disappear before my eyes. 

As the road led up the long slow hill, I dared look back. Remains of the fence and corral threatened to join the other weathered pieces of wood that lay half buried in the tall grass. The scraggly row of Russian Olives dug their roots deeper and stood determined and immovable. Through misty eyes, I saw the house stood tall and strong once again – if only in my memories.  

Riding Bikes

My brothers knew how to ride bicycles. The oldest brother took me for a ride one time on Ernie’s bicycle. I crawled up in the basket over the front tire and got off involuntarily when my brother rode through a ditch and dumped me out breaking my collar bone. My middle brother went for a ride one day and got dumped off by the railroad tracks all by himself and broke his collar bone. My youngest brother, still older than me, was the only one I remember having a bicycle all his own. He broke his arm once and when the doctor took of his cast for the last time it was stuffed full of pencils and other things he stuck in there to scratch his arm.

My sister and I had a bicycle without tires or a handlebar. It was one of those big spools that at one time had telephone line or cable wrapped around it. That spool was much bigger than us. We flipped it on its side and somehow managed to get on it and move our feet to make it roll up or down the driveway. It’s a wonder we didn’t fall and break something. I don’t know how we managed to keep our balance long enough to stay on the thing. It may not have moved very fast, but I seem to remember having to run on that rolling spindle just to stay on top.

I often went visiting with Daddy. There was a family in Dewey Rose who had a little girl about my age. She was rich! She had her very own new bicycle. I was envious. Whenever Daddy went to visit her family, I liked to go along. One day she asked if I’d like to ride her bicycle. Would I? You bet! That’s when I learned to ride. I was probably six or seven years old and thought I was grown because I could ride a bicycle.

The Duncan kids had bicycles. They even had extra bicycles. Sometimes they asked my sister and me to go bike riding with them on those back-country roads. They also had chicken houses. We’d go in the chicken houses, especially when they were full of little chicks. I was usually always barefooted. You know, it can be quite messy to go in a chicken house barefooted. That’s not something I’d recommend. It was hard to dodge those little squishy chicken bombs even though most of them were covered with wood shavings.

I never did get my own bicycle, but I was glad I had friends willing to share their riches. Sometimes the simplest of things others might take for granted bring the greatest joy to someone else.

Mt. Bethel

My grandmother was a churchgoer. She was a faithful member of Mt. Bethel Methodist Church. When we stayed with her, we went to church, too. My granddad only went on special occasions, but he did attend the daily devotion every morning in his living room right after breakfast. My grandmother read the devotion out of the Upper Room – the scripture, the story that went along with it, and the prayer. To my knowledge, she never missed a day – and neither did my granddad – nor did he complain about it.

The little church was organized in 1833 and served the farming community known as Ola. In those early years, the main crop was cotton. When my grandparents moved south in the early 1950’s, they soon became an asset to the community and to the church. They were good neighbors and always willing to lend a helping hand. It didn’t take long for the church family to find out that my grandmother had some mad baking skills. When the church had fundraisers for various ministries, a pan of her cinnamon rolls was auctioned off at a hefty price.

A church isn’t a building, it’s the people that come together to worship, fellowship and care for one another’s needs. Within the church was Mr. and Mrs. Wilkinson. When I was born, Mr. Wilkinson made a highchair for me. It has survived all these years and three generations have used it. Leroy and his family were part of the congregation as well. You may have read about him in a previous story. Another person in the congregation was a lady who was a dwarf. She was as short as me, maybe even shorter, and I was just a kid. Her short arms hung unnaturally by her side and her disproportioned body caused her to waddle when she walked. She was always so kind. I think she liked me because we were both short. These country people were a community of people who came together to support one another in good times and bad.

Some Sundays after church, we had lunch on the grounds. There were some good cooks in that little country church. However, there were some things I didn’t care for such as okra, turnip greens, collards and southern cornbread. There were also plenty of salads. My grandmother would take carrot salad, pineapple salad or some other kind of odd salad. I bypassed those but the ladies of the church sure liked them.

Someone always made a “chocolate cake” that was not a chocolate cake. Daddy laughed about that. When he got a slice of chocolate cake, more often than not, it was white cake with chocolate icing. A chocolate cake should be just that, chocolate.

Whether my granddad entered the door of the church or not, he lived an exemplary life of Christianity. He walked his faith. He was genuinely kind and complimentary. No matter what he was doing, he would set that aside to help a neighbor or a stranger. He didn’t show love by empty pious words but rather by his actions. If we walked such a path, our world would be a much greater place.