Our first stop was Hobby Lobby. I just needed to pick up some sewing needles and one piece of fabric. My little sidekick decided she needed some fabric, too. She settled for two pre-cut pieces and some trim to make a purse.
For lunch, we decided to pick up something from a drive-thru and find a place for a picnic. We like picnics. I pulled into Steak and Shake for a couple of burgers and drinks and then drove to find our lunch spot. We stopped in a pull-off along a side road in the park. My little sidekick and I got out, walked to the back of the jeep, opened the hatch, and climbed up. As we ate our lunch, feet dangling, I told her that was a special spot. Daddy Buck’s favorite place for lunch was Steak and Shake. Many times, we got it to go, and we stopped along that same road, sat in the back of the jeep, and let our feet dangle as we at our burgers. My sidekick seemed excited to share that special place. We were even rewarded with three deer having lunch in the woods beside us.
A few days later, the other kids were with us. My little sidekick said, “Let’s get our lunch and eat in our special spot.” I said, “Nope. That’s our secret place now!”