I ran down the long dark hall as fast as I could to my parent’s bedroom. Somehow it seemed further away in the darkest part of the night. I went to the side of the bed where Daddy was sleeping soundly, that is until I shook him.
“Daddy. Daddy. Daddy.”
“What’s the matter?”
“Hurry! There’s a giant spider in the sink.”
I had gotten up in the middle of the night to use the restroom. After turning on the light, something caught my eye. There was a monstrous gigantic hideous ugly spider in the sink. Its hairy legs wiggled, and its beady eyes turned around like a revolving dome as it looked at me. The fat body moved up and down in rhythm and I knew it would pounce on me at any moment. The only thing, and the best thing I knew was to get Daddy. He would take care of everything and send the monster to its watery grave.
When Daddy got to the bathroom, there was the spider just as I said. Big hairy varmint! Ha! Daddy took care of him!
When he returned to his bedroom Mama asked, “What was that all about?” Daddy said, “Oh, there was just a little spider in the bathroom sink.”