Some Heroes Can Do Anything

“I want to be just like you when I grow up.” You might think those are words a kid says to their mom or dad or grandparents. Actually, they are words I say to my short daughter even though she’s taller than me.

Heroes come in all sizes, shapes and ages. (In fact, my littlest grand-daughter is a hero because she brought life to a little old man for 3 years.) Sometimes they do great heroic deeds. Sometimes they are loud and brash. Sometimes they are quiet and reserved. My daughter is one of those quiet heroes. She doesn’t crash into a room with drama and demand attention. When she comes into a room, she brings a spirit of calmness and peace. 

She is a wonderful wife and mama. She’s also magic. If the kids get into trouble, she takes them aside and whispers in their ear. I don’t know what she tells them, but when they return, they behave and aren’t even screaming or crying. I’ve never seen anything like it! It’s magic! She is resourceful, very frugal, creative, good cook, musician, carpenter, wood burner, drywaller, hard worker, always busy, teacher, outdoorsman, listener, counselor, seamstress, quilter, wonderful wife, patient, painter, caregiver, excellent mother, trusted friend, gardener, chicken whisperer, lawn manicurist, tractor driver, employee, can work at least three jobs at a time while juggling all those other things.

This gal can start up the tractor and plow her garden, build a fence for the chicken pen, pamper her seedlings for the garden bed, frame up a door, build a shelf or chair, install a sink and plumb it, lay out a nice meal, take care of kids and find time to do one of her regular jobs – all in the same day. You can give her a mitre saw or power tool and you would think she had been handed the greatest gift ever.

Though she can do all those things, and do them well, it is her personality and qualities that are most endearing. She is beautiful inside and out. As a kid, she was the one who loved the mangy old mutts and befriended those kids no one else would talk to or play with. She is kind, compassionate, loving, giving, forgiving, encouraging and the list goes on. I want to be just like her when I grow up. She’s my hero.

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