I’m Coming to Join You, Honey

Years ago, a show aired on TV that featured an elderly man who had lost his wife years earlier. In many episodes when some drama took place, the man clutched his chest, looked upward and said to his deceased wife, “I’m coming to join you, Honey.” Of course, that never happened. He always managed to continue on and the next week, another episode played when he once again declared his intent to join his wife. That may seem a bit comical which was the intent of the writer and actors of the show, but it is also a scene I have seen played out in real life.

When Mama died, Daddy thought he had fulfilled his marriage vow and decided he was free to join his bride of 60 years. For almost twelve years after her death, I contended with his desire to go to her which was intensified during bouts of sickness. Each time, he tried to justify his declaration stating that he was no longer needed. That longing to go on to his heavenly home was ever present with him.

One day my son and a couple of his friends were at the house building a ramp. Daddy had gotten to the point where he had to use a walker and we knew there was a possibility we might have to transport him in a wheelchair, so we wanted to be prepared.

 On that particular day, Daddy went out the front door to the porch. He took a few steps, teetered and tottered, and fell. Though he was a small man and because of the position in which he had fallen, I couldn’t get him up. My husband had just had shoulder surgery, so he wasn’t able to lift Daddy. We called our son who came running to pick up his granddad. He came up on the porch, walked behind the little man, reached down and hooked his arms under Daddy’s arm pits, and lifted him off the ground in one swift movement. The look on that little man’s face was priceless as he briefly hung in the air before his feet touched the ground. When my son set him down, Daddy stood the straightest I had ever seen him. He was stunned. It took a few seconds before he realized what had happened, and I dare say the look on his face turned to one of disappointment.

At first Daddy believed he was finally getting his wish. Later he confessed he thought an angel showed up that day and had picked him up to make a special delivery to the gates of heaven. As far as I was concerned, an angel did show up!

I think back on that day with a smile as I imagine the thoughts that must have raced through his mind. In that one brief moment I could almost hear him say, “I’m coming to join you, Honey,” and six months later he did just that.

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