I told you about the wildlife supper we had.
The house was full of chatter and laughter. Guests tried foods they had never had before. Someone blessed our meal and before everyone had a chance to load their plates, my husband made an announcement concerning the smaller wildlife on the menu (squirrel, rabbit, goose and duck), “I cleaned them good, but there might still be some shot. So be careful.” I’m pretty sure someone found at least one piece of shot. If it’s swallowed, you can be sure, “This too shall pass.” Just don’t break a tooth!
All was well. The evening was a success.
A few days later, we received a call from one of the guests. The guest’s daughter who also attended the supper had a scan scheduled the day after our party for a medical issue. After her scan was complete, the doctor returned to her room to talk to her about the results. He looked a bit puzzled and concerned and said, “It looks like you have been shot.” She had a good laugh and told the doctor about the wildlife party. She had swallowed some of the shot she had been warned about. And true to the saying, it did indeed pass.
This guy was NOT on the menu