jit·ney /ˈjitnē/. noun.
1. a bus or other vehicle carrying passengers for a low fare.
Jitney was a buckskin mare, sired by a Mustang, small, tough, and fast. She was acquired in a trade with Stampede Hoyem for two of Ward and Parker’s cows. I’d say that was a good trade. Stampede’s given name was Otto, the brother of the future second husband of Babe.
Babe’s brother, Sid, and Otto “Stampede”
As can be inferred by his name, Stampede rode the buckskin at full speed. Jitney was trained to go fast and run against the best. She was also gentle with the kids and tolerated a load being placed on her back. It wasn’t unusual for her to carry a few grown ladies and several kids hanging off her back from mane to tail, all at the same time. To the little kids, Jitney was more than part of the family, they considered her as a grandmother, protector and best friend.
One day when little Buck was about five years old, he followed his dad up a hill to a meadow where the horses grazed. There was a young stallion that had made its way into the pasture. Jitney looked up, and saw the little boy coming toward the horses. The boy walked her way to hug her leg and rub her head. That set the stallion off. He glared at little Buck and charged. Jitney was close by and nickered. I guess he was sending a warning that there was trouble. The boy’s father came to the rescue. Both Jitney and Poppy were heroes that day.
One day Jitney could carry her cargo of kids and the next she could win a race against real rodeo horses. On the Fourth of July celebration at Two Dot, Jitney was entered into the Ladies’ horse race. She took the prize. The buckskin was then entered in two more races, one with Buddy Brannin and the other with Jim Brannin as jockeys. Both won. When the cowboy race was announced, the judges wouldn’t allow Jitney to race because she had won too many races already.
Buck’s brother, sister, and dog
Jitney and Babe were praised for their famous ride the day of the Sweet Grass Canyon fire in June of 1919. The buckskin mare flew like the wind at a nudge from Babe. Jitney could run in fierce competition or haul a load of kids. If Jitney wasn’t available to ride, the little kids found substitutes. Cousin Kitty served as little Buck’s bucking bronc. For a short period of time Jimmy Hicks filled that role as well.
Jitney stood still while kids piled on her back for a ride. She certainly lived up to the meaning of her name: “a bus or other vehicle carrying passengers for a low fare.”
Her fare? A handful of oats.
Buck’s sister, and dog