I know the Tooth Fairy and I have proof of her identity. It is my neighbor. Ssshhh! Don’t tell all the toothless little kids and don’t be in a hurry to pull your teeth. The Tooth Fairy doesn’t fall for fairy tales.
One day my neighbor got a phone call. On the other end of the line was a little boy who wanted to talk to the Tooth Fairy and tell her “thank you” for leaving money under his pillow in place of his pulled tooth. My neighbor verified that she was, indeed, the Tooth Fairy. That settles it!
The Tooth Fairy has a little girl whose birthday is coming up real soon. The five-year-old, soon to be six-year-old girl, took it upon herself to plan her own party and make her guest list. She is excited and has planned a great surprise on her special day.
The other day, the little girl said, “Look at my tooth.” It was wiggly. When several people suggested to pull the tooth, she said, “No. You can’t pull it. I’m waiting for my birthday!” I thought she might like an apple to eat, but she won’t fall for that trick. Even yesterday, with her tooth laying sideways, she said, “I’ll take it out on my birthday.” I’m afraid the Tooth Fairy might have other ideas. That tooth might just come out before then. I hope the tooth doesn’t come out at night and get swallowed. Without a tooth to put under her pillow, she might just try to pull her brother’s tooth and use it as a replacement.
I think the little girl is a bit dubious about the true identity of the Tooth Fairy, and thinks her mom is just her mom. She might think there’s a better chance of getting money for her birthday from guests than from the Tooth Fairy. I think she’s right – I know the Tooth Fairy!
“Oh! I can’t wait to lose my first tooth so I can capture the Tooth Fairy!”