When I was a kid, I liked to eat frog eggs. They were really yummy. I liked them warm right out of the pan. I liked them cold, too.
I watched my mommy put dried frog eggs in milk with some sugar, a pinch of salt and the big yellow eyes of a few chicken eggs.
Eating frog eggs didn’t scare me. My brothers thought it would. That’s just because if I was afraid, they could eat the frog eggs in my bowl.
You might ask how I knew they were really frog eggs. That’s simple! My brothers told me so. They would never try to trick a little sister, would they?
When my husband was little, he ate Pop Cereal. His mama made that just like my mommy made frog eggs, only his mama left the dried frog eggs out.
I don’t eat frog eggs now, (I can’t find them in any of the stores), but I do eat Tapioca Pudding. Did you know it’s cooked the same way my mommy made frog eggs for us?
Who knew!
Tapioca Pudding