It had been a long day, starting before 5:00 AM. We got everything packed up and started loading the car. That’s when Judge discovered we had a flat tire. Superman came to our rescue, and we made it to the airport with a few minutes to spare.
We landed in time to stop for a leisurely supper before heading home. After a trip, we always laugh and practice our improvisation skills. Sometimes we even include waitresses or complete strangers in our wild tales. We like to make people smile.
I told the judge she could drive home. When she drives, we get wherever we’re going quicker because she is a mad woman, not mad as in perturbed and spitting nails, but mad as in kind of crazy. We started out. I grimaced a time or two and about put a hole through the floor trying to find a brake pedal on the passenger side. She weaved in and out of traffic. The judge doesn’t go with the flow of traffic, she leads the flow of traffic.
The darker it got, the more I could feel my teeth grinding together. I said, “What’s wrong the lights?” I didn’t know how she could see anything and was afraid that other drivers wouldn’t see us because the lights were dimmer than they needed to be. It was then that there was a voice from the back seat. You know about back seat drivers – and you know why they ride in the back seat. Red said, “Do you have your sunglasses on?” Now, what kind of question is that?
I tried to give the judge instruction as to how to turn the dials to check the lights. As she turned knobs, I answered Red. I said, “Of course I don’t have on my sunglasses!” as I reached up to my face. “Well, I’ll be! Let me just lower my shades.”
It was a miracle! Suddenly, the lights were good and bright. I guess the judge found the right dial after all.