My Guest Author today is my Granddad. He was full of life and very witty. This is a transcription of the letter Shakespear (my granddad) sent to my dad many years ago. The spelling is as written in the original.
As Shakespear would say to Buck!
Shakespear in a moment of creation
But, soft! What smell through yonder glass I smell?
It is a mouse, and he is dead! Arise, fair mouse, and move from my water who is already infested by thy smell. That a mouse are far more potent than thee.
Be not my drink, since you do stink. Water that is lively sick with green. Ah, none but fools do drink it. Cast if off.
It is my water, O, it is my life! It is wet but it smells awful! I drink yet it taste, what of it? My eyes see nothing, will I taste? I am not so bold. I will leave it. Let the water remain untouched till thy smell doth not remain. Would the mousey smell seem so bright that I could not smell it with my might.
Out, out, oh water.
Parting is such sweet sorrow.
Until the mouse smell no long do dwell.