Double Blessings

Mama was not a believer in throwing anything away. She even reused plastic forks and disposable cups. Washed Ziploc bags were hung to dry over bottles or pan handles so they could be used again. She didn’t throw away any food either. Fortunately, when all of us kids were little, we didn’t have very many leftovers because the boys scarfed down everything. In fact, they would say, “Hey look at that!” When I turned to look, they snitched food off my plate. We ate as fast as we could so we could get second helpings. As the bigger kids started going their own way, leftovers became more common in our household.

One evening Mama called us for supper – leftovers. We sat down at the table waiting on Daddy. He came in, sat down, and started to eat. We kids followed suit. Mama stared at Daddy and said, “Aren’t you going to bless the food?” His response was, “I’ve already blessed it twice!” Not missing a beat he continued to eat his doubly blessed meal.

the maker and blesser of our meals

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