After the long trip across the country, we pulled into my grandmother’s driveway. It was wonderful to be out of the car and stretch our legs. Traveling that long distance, skin on skin with the five sibs, we were ready to be free of the car and one another. Mama was probably the happiest! She might get some reprieve from all the noise and fussing that went on in the back seat.
Cousin Jim standing on horse
The first order of business after visiting with my Grandmother a bit was to go downtown to the post office to see Cousin Jim. Any day to see Cousin Jim was a good day! For one thing, he was a great storyteller. For another, Cousin Ruth was a great cook. He always invited us, the whole mess of us, to their house for supper, and believe me, that was something we didn’t want to miss!
I had a snack in my Grandmother’s crabapple tree the afternoon before going to their house for supper. By the time we were seated and the food was being passed around the table, my stomach churned and burned and started to boil. I had to leave. My sister ran with me back to the house. I barely made it before exploding. My Grandmother had told me not to eat too many, but I didn’t listen. I had no idea those tiny little tart apples that made my mouth water were actually ticking time bombs ready to explode.
Let me tell you, I didn’t make that mistake the next time we were invited for supper! I didn’t want to miss a bite!
Jim, Ruth & Darlene