My Guest Author today is my youngest granddaughter.
She is almost five years old.
This looks like. a house that Wolf might like to blow down. Be careful Goldilocks!
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She was always soooo embarrassed but she always wanted to have friends. And she met one.
His name was Wolfie and he started to be her friend. So whenever she went to play with him, he was out of sight.
And when she came back he was here — (with a swish of her arm) but he wasn’t here the other days. But when he was here, he sat up and then….(said in a whisper) he had magic in his ears — magic in his hands –and his cheeks are red and blue…(said in a whisper) and gray.
And I forgot he was … (said in a whisper) red and blue and gray — (fingers curled like claws) Wolf Monster! And she screamed really loud and she had a powerful scream that throwed him away and he would be dead… and then —– SURPRISE!
The story is all told.
Phew! Let’s take a break now……..