Winter – The Best of All

This is a poem written by my Grandmother who
lived many winters on the Montana prairie.

Winter has its draw backs,
Of that there is no doubt.
But what a thrill it gives one
To hear the children shout!

Sliding down the snow drifts,
Rolling in the snow,
Building big snow houses;
How their faces glow!

The snow birds and the chickadees
Thot last summer flew away
Now perch outside our window
Begging bread crumbs everyday!

When on the porch they’re hopping
When I hear them call,
I sometimes think that winter
Is the best time of all.

For then I see them right up close,
See how each one is dressed
Why one young fellow even has
A brown button on his vest!

The pheasants and the bunnies
Explore tracks in every drift,
The pheasants working day times,
The bunnies take night shift.

Of course it isn’t easy
To keep the stock all fed,
To see that they get water,
And also have a bed.

But now and then the snow plow
Will throw the snow aside,
Then we can jump into the car
And take a little ride.

We’ll get a barrel of fuel oil
Enough to keep us warm
Some extra flour and coffee
To take out to the farm.

Then when again the snow drifts
And we can’t get around
We’ll have lots of company,
These feathered friends we’ve found!

Pheasants, ducks and bunnies,
Chickadees and all,
I think winter must be
The very best of all!

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