I turned down our street and there in the middle of the road was a little black puppy. My traveling buddies immediately said in unison, “awwwww.” I stopped and the little puppy sat down. He stood up and walked toward the car. Not knowing which side of the car he was on, I rolled down my window. There, looking up at me with sad eyes was the little black puppy. It looked like he was wearing white socks on his front legs and white shoes on his back paws. He whimpered and whined and said, “take me home with you.”
Look at those puppy eyes
I drove slowly toward the house. The little puppy ran as fast as his little legs would go. I had to drive really slow so his little legs wouldn’t fall off. The girls were cheering the little guy on. I only had to stop once for him to catch up. He almost beat me into the garage. After some discussion, the dog whisperer said, “I’ll have to take him to the pound.” The cute little black puppy with big white feet is now getting settled in pretty good at our house and eats everything in sight. There has been some discussion as to what his name should be. Some are calling him “Socks” but one of my granddaughters and I think his name should be “Two Socks.”
Is he just the cutest little thing?
The little puppy brought back some memories. When my daughter was little, she fell in love with all the strays and abandoned puppies and kittens that were dropped off by our house. There must have been a sign on the mailbox that said, “Hey, dump your unwanted puppies here!” One day, we heard whimpering coming from the ditch. It was the mangiest scrawniest dog I have ever seen. The dog obviously had not had anything to eat in quite some time. It also had mange. There were only just a few sprigs of hair on him. No one would “awwwww” over him. Ugly is the best word to describe the poor little skinny hairless thing. I don’t know of anyone who would scoop that little dog up, hug him, and think he was the greatest thing ever – well, no one except my daughter. She begged us to keep him. She promised to feed him, doctor him and most of all, to love him. True to her word, that was the most pampered dog in the world. Her love for that little dog was rewarded by a faithful companion.
When my daughter saw that little black puppy with big white feet, I wonder if she remembered back many years to that mangy mutt that she promised to care for and love. Something must have tugged at her heart because when she cut her eyes over toward her husband, he took one look and said, “No!”
By the way, there is no longer a sign hanging on our mailbox! If you’re so inclined, you’ll need to make your delivery elsewhere.