I get a wild hair on occasion. It’s like getting an itch that has to be scratched. I don’t know where these ideas come from. They just pop into my head from who-knows-where and bam! I have to scratch that itch.
A couple of years ago, I got a box in the mail that weighed about ten tons. Inside was an older model KitchenAid Mixer. It was sent as a gift, purchased for twenty dollars at an estate sale. One day I got it out of the pantry and decided to use it. Since that time, I’ve gotten kind of attached to it.
before sanded and taped
The other day one of my wild hairs stood straight up on my head. What a good idea! “I’ll paint the mixer.” The old mixer was cream colored. In a few places the enamel was worn off. It had definitely been used through the years. Operation face lift!
I took a few videos as I removed the screws so I’d know how to put it back together. Then I taped up the places I didn’t want painted. That was a challenge! How do you put tape on those itty-bitty screws? Next I sanded the mixer with 100 grit and 320 grit sandpaper.
A normal person might get a less drastic color to use on a perfectly good appliance but if you have a wild hair to paint, why not go with the brightest color you can find? Candy Apple Red! It sure was bright. The next day I got Colonial Red. That toned it down a bit, so it was no longer fluorescent. Lastly, a clear coating was sprayed on.
Candy Apple Red
Colonial Red
Impatience is not a good thing when you have to wait for all the various coats to dry. I managed to restrain myself before I yanked off the tape. Actually, I tried to do that gently, even taking the time to warm the tape and then I pulled gently – very gently. Once the tape was off, I had to put the mixer back together. Hmmm…. All the pieces went together. I held my breath when I plugged it into the outlet. It purred like a new kitten! I haven’t used it yet. I think I’ll put my “new mixer” back in the pantry so it doesn’t get dirty.
Completed project
If the person who sent the mixer is reading this – thanks for the twenty-buck mixer – and I didn’t even get electrocuted.
Now, if I can just find where this extra screw goes.
Nice job, but I think we all know where that loose screw is from.
Happy Thanksgiving. Do you have my proper shipping address for things like, oh cinnamon rolls, bread, cookies? Asking for a friend. I mean, your dear Auntie.