Ernie was my brother’s friend. He usually showed up at mealtime. He loved Mama’s Spanish rice. We never had to worry about leftovers if Ernie was around. He loved to pester me. When I saw him ride up on his bicycle, I would run and hide from him under the table in the bedroom I shared with my sisters and one of my other brothers. Ernie would also let my brother ride his bicycle.
This Boy Scout didn’t keep his promise
One day my brother said he’d take me for a ride. I climbed into the basket on the front of Ernie’s bicycle. “I’ll ride with you as long as you don’t go through the ditch,” I said. He promised. Boy Scout’s honor! As soon as he started pedaling, he headed right for the ditch. He hit the ditch and I went flying through the air. Sometime later, I woke up, arm held tightly in place. When I landed, it had broken my collar bone. I didn’t ride with him again!