Mrs. Cash

A few years ago, I pulled into the parking lot of a local store. There was a load of kids in the back of a truck. One of the kids was teaching the others to spit. They were hanging over the side of the truck bed, two fingers pressed on their lips, aiming and firing a projectile of spit. I thought they were doing an admirable job with their spitting skills, but then, they didn’t know Mrs. Cash! She had been a neighbor of my grandparents years ago. She would have put those kids to shame!

My grandparents in front of their house along a country dirt road

My grandparents lived along a country dirt road. Neighbors would wave as they drove by with a cloud of red dust following them down the road. I thought that was the perfect place to live. There was a big barn, an apple orchard, a shed with a tractor, other buildings and even an outhouse. The house seemed huge to a little kid and there was even a porch across the front. A wide hallway divided the house in two. On the left side was a living room and a big kitchen. I remember taking a bath in the washtub in the kitchen floor as Grandma Bee baked peanut butter cookies. The tops of the cookies were squished with a fork, sprinkled with sugar and they were yummy! I can still smell those warm cookies being taken from the oven. 

They lived in an era where neighbors were more than just people who lived nearby. Neighbors helped one another with their crops. They were a community who took care of one another. If someone had a need, the neighbors would pool their resources to help. They also took time to visit with one another. Ladies would gather for quilting bees. Grandma Bee took me with her once. I crawled under the quilt that was stretched out on the frame and watched the needles move in and out of the fabric as the women buzzed like a hive of bees.

Three of my siblings with Grandma & Daddy Bee; the kitchen is through the doorway.

One of their neighbors was Mrs. Cash.  She was more than a neighbor; she was a friend. I never heard her called by her first name. Back in those days the ladies were called Mrs. or Miss and men were called Mr. I really only remember one thing about Mrs. Cash and that was she dipped snuff or chewed tobacco. I don’t know if Grandma Bee approved, but she at least tolerated Mrs. Cash’s vice. In fact, she enabled her habit by having a spit can that Mrs. Cash used. That lady would sit on the red vinyl sofa in the living room, work up a good spit and let ‘er fly. She could hit that spit can that sat all the way by the door. Ping! She’d hit it every time. She could spit as good or better than any man, and man, that woman could spit! Ping!

Three of my siblings with my granddad

Green Biscuits and Mud Pies

It was the early ‘60’s. Daddy had been appointed his first pastorate. Besides pastoring three small town churches, he also worked and went to school. My mom kept up with us kids and did whatever was necessary to survive. She was busy all the time. With cooking, cleaning, sewing, baking bread (6 loaves at a time), canning, herding kids, church functions, typing college papers, and everything in-between, she had no time to herself. 

Ready for church

We lived in the church parsonage. I didn’t realize at the time that we were relatively poor. That’s why we had to eat oatmeal. It was a staple in our household, and Mama said it would stick to my ribs. I didn’t like it then, and I don’t like it now. Though I was small, I learned to cook there. I made mud pies in the back yard under the big pecan tree. My sister made her mud pies on the piano keys, and I think she got into trouble. I guess she didn’t want to practice that day.


The pastor’s family did benefit from parishioners sharing their produce in the summer, eggs or fresh meat at butchering time. Some of the former pastors may have been asked out to eat regularly, but our family didn’t get asked very often. Who wants to have the pastor’s family for Sunday dinner, especially when there are 6 kids, 3 of them rotten boys? We did get asked on occasion though. I loved going to the Brandenburg’s house. Mr. Brandenburg was blind. He ran the general store in town and knew almost everyone who came into the store by the sound of their feet. One day my dad walked in, and Mr. Brandenburg said, “Hello there, Preacher. Sounds like you put on a few pounds.” He kept an immaculate garden and tended the grape vines that draped over the arbor to the side of the house. Mrs. Brandenburg was so kind and a wonderful cook! 

Church attended by Brandenburgs & Ms. Mary

One Sunday morning Daddy said we were invited to dinner after church. I was excited because I thought the Brandenburg’s had asked us to come, but they didn’t.

Ms. Mary lived out of town. Her house was close to the road on a small hill. Across her driveway was the well. Her chickens were free range, and we had to be careful where we stepped. When we found out that we were going to her house the complaints began. Even Mama and Daddy didn’t want to go, but they graciously accepted her invitation. We were told to eat our meal and not to say a word. Ms. Mary was not the best cook. She put the food on the table and had us sit down to eat. She passed a plate and said, “Have a biscuit.” I had never seen a green biscuit before. Her biscuits were green, and I mean, they were green. They tasted as bad as they looked. She baked them in a kerosene stove and that’s exactly how the biscuits tasted – like kerosene. 

As I look back through the years, I now see things in a different light. I see a woman who gave sacrificially to honor her pastor and his family. She was a simple country woman who had little to give, yet she gave the best she had. Somehow with that thought, even mud pies would taste a bit sweeter and green kerosene biscuits would taste more like manna. 

The Daddy Buck Whisperer

My youngest granddaughter is just about too cute. That means she is as cute as can be as well as smart and oozing with life and full of energy. She also has another quality. She is a Daddy Buck Whisperer. That’s quite an accomplishment at just four years old.

She was a surprise, and what a good surprise she was! There is ten years between her and her big sister with a brother stuck in the middle. I know about surprises because I was a surprise, too. There is ten years between me and my big sister. I was a 1 in 1000 chance baby. We were meant to be!

                            The Daddy Buck Whisperer at work

Little Bit came at just the right time. Her great grandfather, Daddy Buck,    needed her. I believe she was sent as a special gift to Daddy Buck. She brought light to his clouded eyes and life to his aging aching bones. She would come into his house at breakfast time, sit in his lap and share his blueberries. When she thought he had been at the table long enough, she’d run over to his recliner, pat the seat and say, “Daddy Buck, I need you.” He would roll his walker over to his chair, sit down and the little girl climbed up there with him. She would sit at his left side tucked up under his arm just like I would sit with my granddad when I was her age. When we went to get Daddy Buck a new chair, he tested it to make sure there was enough room for him and his little sidekick before he made his selection. Those two were like two peas in a pod. There were times when she would climb up on his walker seat, and he’d roll her off to his room or to the table as she sang a funny little tune. Sometimes he sang a funny little tune while she rang his bell and rolled from one room to the next.

     The Daddy Buck Whisperer & Dr. Grace

The other day my daughter, her kids and I went to visit an elderly friend, Dr. Grace. She thinks all kids are wonderful, but she especially loved watching Little Bit. It wasn’t long before the little bundle of wiggles asked Dr. Grace if she could sit with her. Dr. Grace was ecstatic. She needed a Daddy Buck Whisperer, too. Soon a little girl sat quietly in the lap of this soon-to-be 99 year old lady. They were both smiling and perfectly content talking their secret language.

On Sunday, Little Bit will be about her duties again using her Daddy Buck Whisperer skills when she visits the older ladies Sunday School class. She will twirl to show off her hairdo, dress and moose boots and then curtsy for them as they oooo and ahhh before she buzzes out of the room. You always know the Daddy Buck Whisperer has struck because the room is full of smiles.

Montana & Pacific Northwest 2019

Porch Days

Some of the best adventures are found on the front porch. There is something special about a porch, don’t you think?  It’s a great place to take time just to sit a few moments to relax and sort your thoughts. It’s also the place to take a trip without even going anywhere.

There have been many days when the grandkids would sit with me on the porch and ask for stories. They have asked for stories about my ancestors from days long gone and of their wild west adventures. I’ve also been asked to tell familiar childhood stories in the voice of the big bad wolf or one of the three little pigs.

Porches add to our arsenal of memories. When I was a kid, I loved to sit on the porch with my granddad. I’d rub his bald head so his hair would grow. He would let me roll his Bull Durham tobacco cigarettes. They were so loose the ashes would fall on his shirt and burn little holes. We’d swing for hours. Whenever a storm came, he would go sit on the porch swing, and I’d go with him. I’d be scared to death because of the thunder and lightning and would stay tucked up under his armpit.  He taught me respect for the storms. That’s where I learned that nitrogen came from lightning and nourished the soil for the crops.  We all need the rain.  I learned that storms come along in our lives, and they are for our good to teach us lessons of life. That’s also where I heard tales from long gone times of his childhood and youth. I heard stories of his “batching” days when he and old John followed the harvest season all the way into Canada to work on the threshing crews.   

My brother

Sometimes the porch swing brought other memorable events.  One such day, we were sitting in the swing and my brother crossed the road into the pasture.  My grandfather told him, as he had many times before, to stay away from the mama cow.  She had a new calf.  Well, any of you who know my brother also know that he is his own adjective.  If one of the kids are told they act like or look like Uncle B, they know exactly what that means!  Anyway, he had that grin plastered on his face and decided to tempt fate and that mama cow. He sauntered toward that calf.  Down went the mama cow’s head!  She pawed the ground and started for him.  Daddy Bee hollered and told that boy he’d “better get.” Well, he “got” as fast as he could, running all out toward the barbed wire fence.  The mama cow was faster, but my brother had a head start.  He barely made it to the fence and slid under the bottom wire.  I know exactly what is meant when someone says they “escaped by the seat of their pants.” If he had been any bigger or his britches any looser, they would have gotten snagged by that barb and the rest of him would have been snagged by that mad mama cow.  

 Ah…. porch days  … I think I may need an afternoon trip.  Any takers?

Is This a Shortcut?

A reverent silence lay like the morning mist on the tombstones of the old cemetery. An occasional rustle of dry leaves in the cool winter breeze and a bird’s soulful song could be heard. I stood still taking in the scene before me. Dry broom straw and tall grass with tiny white plumes grew in patches. Scattered gravel rested on barren ground where nothing grew. The hilltop was scattered with headstones. Many had been forgotten over the years. Grass and wild blackberry vines grew among the stones. Broken headstones lay half buried in the weeds. Fire ants set up housekeeping beside old stumps and broken stones. Faded silk flowers were scattered in the tall grass. Some headstones were intricate in design while others were mere unadorned rocks taken from the lake shoreline just a stone’s throw away. Yet both were lovingly placed to mark where a loved one had taken final rest. Names and dates were worn away by time, though some did not even have that luxury. Some names were hidden under moss that grew in the etched letters. 

My imagination ran away with me. I saw grieving families by freshly dug graves. I heard the soft “thud” as dirt fell onto the wooden casket that lay in the ground. I smelled fresh roses splashed with daisies that covered the dirt mound. I felt the tears fall like raindrops as last goodbyes were spoken. 

 My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of shuffling feet on bare ground. I lifted my eyes and saw a stooped old man. He walked with a cane, poking it along in front of him to find solid ground on which to place his unsteady feet. He leaned on his cane and peered over a tombstone. I studied the scene before me. None of us are guaranteed tomorrow, but as age creeps upon us, each breath brings us one step closer to our mortality. Life is fleeting.  

I watched the little man as he wandered through the tombstones. He would bend to look at one, then another. I wondered what was going through his mind. Was he, too, brought face to face with our mortality? His 89 years had been lived to the fullest. He had stories to tell, memories to share, wisdom to impart. 

The little bent man had told me just minutes before that the first 80 years of life were traveled on the designated road. Everything after that was a shortcut – some were just longer than others. I certainly understood his words. I had traveled with him many times. He would take the road off the beaten path.  His shortcuts turned into long-cuts, but they were laden with adventures. I did not begrudge any of those shortcuts. Now he rode with me on my adventures and would often ask, “Is this a shortcut?” 

written 2015 

Back Door Visits

Whenever I looked out my back window and saw my mother walking up the driveway, I knew some tale awaited. Either she had been to town and saw a fat woman at the food bar or Daddy wouldn’t do something she thought he should. It was usually the fat woman. My mother had an aversion to fat. Actually, I think it was more deep-seated than that. It was more of a self-esteem issue that stemmed from her childhood. She thought she was too fat – which she wasn’t. She thought she wasn’t as pretty or smart or friendly as others. She was a people watcher and, more often than not, judged accordingly. Understand that words others judged as her being judgmental were actually spoken as constructive criticism. She never intentionally hurt someone’s feelings though they may have walked away with shoulders sagging a bit because of the weight of her words.

Often when she came to my back door, she brought along the excuse for her visit which was to bring some little trinket, an article to read or an occasional loaf of fresh homemade bread. She did make the best bread ever! Daddy would listen with a “humph” or “un-huh” that didn’t satisfy her need for conversation, so I became her sounding board. After she talked nonstop for a while, she would pull her scarf around her head, tie it under her chin and walk back up to her house.

One afternoon she came to the house wearing a big smile and a new necklace daddy had given her for their 60th anniversary. She was absolutely glowing. That was the first and only time I had seen her look like a teenager. She talked about the trip they had taken to a little Bavarian town for their anniversary. They had visited little shops, and she had to tell me about each one. She told me about some dishes she would like to have gotten for me if she “had enough money.” They went into one store that had a long counter that had come from the general store of one of the little towns where Daddy had preached years earlier. I don’t think I ever saw my mother that excited. It was as if years had been erased, and the hands of time had been turned back to the mid ‘40’s. That was one of the last visits she made to my house. Little did I know that within a couple of weeks her life would be taken prematurely. As I sat by her death bed and held her hand, I did not begrudge one of her backdoor visits. Sometimes I still look out my back window and imagine a shadowy figure wearing a scarf coming to my back door.

Cape Flattery

The Pacific Northwest is a place where enchanted lush rain forests carpeted with wild ferns and moss draped evergreens meet the rugged shoreline of the Pacific Ocean. Jagged pinnacles rise from the ocean floor along the rocky beaches. Weathered sea stacks stand against the crashing waves and winds of time. 

A scenic highway weaves through this magical world. Rialto Beach, Ruby Beach, Hoh Rainforest, Olympic National Park, Lake Crescent, Lake Quinault, trails and scenic drives await the traveler seeking beauty and adventure. The road leads to Neah Bay where you find the furthest northwest point in the contiguous United States. A short hike through the forest winds down trails and weathered boardwalks. Three platforms offer views of Cape Flattery. Birds nest on ledges of the sheer cliffs that drop into the pounding surf. Sea caves gurgle and echo haunting utterances from the bowels of the earth. Looking across the bay, a lonely lighthouse stands as a beacon on Tatoosh Island. 

The sound of the crashing waves as they rise and fall is mesmerizing. The stark contrast of the jade tidal waters, rocks, trees and sea is like none I have ever seen. This place is captivating. A surreal peace is present here at the tip of the world. If I chose one word as description it would be “sacred.” Surely this is a Cathedral of God.

I stood at the edge of the world
where land meets the sea
I looked over open waters
and breathed in this majesty

Waters crashed against the cliffs
bathing the rocks with waves
they sang a slow mournful song
as they echoed from the caves

Limbs of green reached out their arms
a light showed the way
ancient forests carpeted the path
bidding me to stay

I sighed a sigh of deep content
in the magical world apart
I embraced the moments left to me
and gave away my heart

I still stand in wide-eyed wonder
forever this place will be
a timeless solace to my soul
ever etched in memory.

Flag of Freedom

While traveling with my daughter and her family, we saw a duck. That stirred a memory of when my daughter was small. I told the grandkids that once when their mama and uncle were little, we went to Montana with Daddy Buck & Grandma Buck. We drove down the road, and a duck flew into the windshield. Daddy Buck ducked as the duck hit the window. Then I said, “And that was a true story.”

I told of the time when we were traveling on that same road and chased a jackrabbit down the road for about a mile. I added, “And that was a true story.”

My youngest granddaughter took may hand and said, “Tell us another story.” I tried to think about stories that included their mama. Soon one came to mind. 

                               Littlest granddaughter’s mama

This was the story as told to the littlest granddaughter: “When your mama was a little girl we were going to the mountains with Daddy Buck to go camping. So we started off that way. Your mom had curly hair and she had on a flannel shirt and had this great big old backpack. We got up there to the cabin, ready to go into the mountains, and she started crying. ‘I don’t want to go, I don’t want to go.’ So I said, ‘It’s too late now because we don’t have a way to get you back to town.’ We started up the trail, and she had the big backpack on her back and a hat on.”

“We got up close to the lake where there’s an old hay rake. Your mom had her picture made there. She was about to quit crying, but I think her stomach was hurting. We started up the trail and came to Eagle Park. That’s where we camped for the night. I got a picture of your mama and uncle in the river with their underwear on. The water was really cold.”

                                                                   Camping at Eagle Park

“The next day we hiked up to the waterfalls. Now, your mama pooted in her pants, and her underwear was dirty. We put a stick in the ground at the top of the cliff, a big stick, and I told your mom, ‘You’ve gotta take your panties off.’ We went down to the creek washed them out and hung them on the stick. We said, ‘This is the flag of freedom.’ Your mom said, ‘But I don’t have any underwear!’ ‘Just pull your pants up, and we’ll get them on the way back.’ So on the way back from our hike that day, we got her underwear, and they were dry. She put them on. Then we went back to Gommie’s cabin and spent the night.”

We continued our drive down the road. A little hand held mine as I told stories. That sweet little girl was mesmerized. Her eyes were intent on watching me. She would occasionally ask a question about the story, and then her sweet little voice said, “Tell me the story about the flag of freedom again.” 

Oh Rats!

The summer of 1975, my sister and I embarked on a cross country trip. We had many adventures, met lots of interesting people, visited cousins we had never seen and made many memories.  After several weeks of travel, we made it to Big Timber, Montana. We stayed with our grandmother for a few days and then headed up the Boulder to stay with cousin Babs. 

Our beat up jalopy

She let us use their one room cabin that was up the road from the ranch.  We parked our beat-up jalopy and waded the creek to our “new home.” There was no electricity. We did have running water right outside the door. We drank right from the creek. Our bathroom with a view was beside a tree. It was perfect!

We hung our kerosene lantern in the middle of the room, set up our Coleman stove, hauled in our cooler and threw our sleeping bags on the cots.  We were there only a couple of nights when our sleep was interrupted by the gnawing teeth of mice – no, rats! The next morning, we went to the ranch and reported the night’s events to Babs. She laughed as I gave a detail description of the huge rats that infested our living quarters. She declared that there were no rats– only mice. Whatever it was, we didn’t like to share our little cabin. We took a maze trap back with us to capture the little beasts.  We weren’t disappointed!  The little critter visited right on time after we blew out the light. Those little fellows always sound larger and beastlier in the dark in the middle of the night.  We heard clawing and pawing and gnawing as the little guy caught in the maze sought a way out.  The cheese wasn’t worth it that night!  

Imagine the scene in the middle of the night.  Us girls slept in the bare essentials.  When the mouse started its shenanigans, up we jumped.  We lit the lantern that was hanging in the middle of the room from the ceiling.  Sis grabbed a broom, jumped back up on her cot and started swinging at the poor little mouse in the maze trap.  She did that with one hand while the other arm crossed her chest trying to hide her exposed self from unwanted eyes.  I could do nothing but laugh.  There were definitely no peeping toms out there!  Only critters would look in that lone window by the creek.  There was nothing else to do but wait until morning.

When dawn came, we got up and decided to dispose of the mouse properly. We’d drown it!  We took the trap to the creek and submerged it in the icy cold water tumbling over the river rocks. That mouse didn’t drown! It floated to the top and started swimming. It got to the bank and crawled out of the water. Now what?  It would come back that night if something wasn’t done! Sis grabbed a boot and started smacking the little gray-haired, long-tailed varmint. Finally, he gave up the ghost.  We picked him up by the tail and sent him to his watery grave.  

Cousin Babs

We went to the ranch for breakfast, and I recounted the animated tale to Babs.  She laughed.  No, she bellowed, hee-hawed, at our story.  She had a hearty laugh and used every bit of it! We later went to town and got some real traps – those that snap their heads off.