Maud is my FIRST guest author
If you have been following Grandma’s blog posts or any of her social media posts you may have possibly ran across the name of Maud. Well, that’s me. I am the fluffer of bunnies, the burping master, and the sweetest granddaughter ever. (Grandma may not agree, but the rest of the world does).
Grandma asked me to be a guest writer on her blog and I was hesitant to say yes, but oh so thrilled at the same time. I am not going to promise grammatically correct sentences, or eloquent language, but I hope that after you read this you will appreciate the many firsts that happen in life. When Grandma asked me to write I nagged her about what I would write about. I am the type of person who needs a template to write anything, (thank you school), so when Grandma said to write about whatever I wanted, my head spinned twenty different ways. But, as I was sitting on the plane towards Atlanta my mind narrowed its thoughts down to what this trip was about for me.
My mind came up with, Firsts. This was my very first trip travelling with just me and Grandma. This was my very first trip going to Glacier National Park. This was my very first time in Polebridge, MT and having their cinnamon rolls. This was my very first time seeing mountain goats. This was my very first time seeing a moose. This was my very first time travelling down Swingley Road. This was my very first time meeting Dick Rath and staying at his cabin. This was my very first time hiking down to the river at Natural Bridge State Park. This was my very first time going through Bynum, MT, my first time in Choteau, MT, and my very first time at Madison Buffalo Jump. This was my first time going to eat supper at the Sweet Grass Ranch and sharing some sweet company with the Carroccias and the Dringmans. I heard stories about people I had never met and people that I loved, and some stories were new to me and even to Grandma.
Let me tell you, these firsts were amazing and absolutely incredible. I am forever thankful to the lady that brought me here and helped me experience all these firsts. I am forever thankful for the lady that spent a lot of these firsts by my side.

But, this was also my very first time in Montana without Daddy Buck. This was my very first time without Daveen opening her door and saying, “Oh! Hello! Welcome!” This was my very first time going to Aunt Barabara’s house and not seeing Uncle Ralph sitting at the kitchen table ready to answer all of the questions we had for him. This was my very first time going to look at houses and property for my grandma and grandpa to possibly live. This trip full of many, “very firsts” was also very hard. This trip gave me lots of incredible firsts, and also some tough firsts, but this trip also showed me that my family would not have ended up where they are now without both good and bad firsts. Stanton and Guadalupe had to FIRST leave New Mexico to end up in Montana. The uncles had to FIRST build the ranch before they could run it. Poppy had to FIRST go to Canada before he ended up in Big Timber, MT. Aunt Barbara had to FIRST invite Jean to her house for Buck and Jean to meet. Daddy Buck had to FIRST ask Grandma Buck to marry him before they started their adventure. They both had to leave Montana for the FIRST time to end up in Georgia. They had to have five kids FIRST before they had Grandma. Daddy Buck and family would live in Athens, GA FIRST before they moved to LaFayette, GA. Grandma and Puppa had to meet FIRST before they had my dad. Mom had to have her FIRST boyfriend before she knew dad was the one. My parents had Jess FIRST before they had their favorite daughter. I had to go on my FIRST trip to Montana in 2003 to absolutely fall in love with the land and the people. I had to ask Grandma FIRST to go on this trip (and she had to FIRST say yes).

The many firsts I have experienced on this trip have led to a stronger passion and love for The Last Best Place. I felt like I have grown closer to my family, to the people who used to live there and live here now, and to my cowgirl Grandma. So, I say all of this to say, the firsts in your life are important. The best firsts, and the worst firsts, and all of the in- between firsts lead you to where you are and where you want to go. Embrace those firsts in the best way that you can, because those firsts lead to stories told in the car on the way to East Glacier. Right, Grandma?
Side Note: I think I am now Grandma’s favorite. There’s a FIRST for everything, right? Maud